本帖最后由 QQ酱39045 于 2021-2-19 18:58 编辑
https://www.mcmod.cn/class/2239.html 神秘遗物
条款:自定义条款 The Copybruh License, I Advent
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed.
You are permitted to redistribute unmodifed works obtained from official, publicly available sources provided by the Creator, in an instance if all of the following criteria are met:
- The integrity of the Creator's works stays preserved. In case of binaries - they must stay completely unmodified. In case of code and assets - they must be obtained from official repositories and come in their entirety, with no files being altered or removed. If this criteria is not met, your use case falls under the terms for copying, modification and incorporation outlined below;
- You explicitly and clearly inform users that you do not own the Creator's works, and reference Creator themselves as the owner;
- You provide at least one direct link to the official distribution source provided by the Creator themselves;
- You have praised the Sun at least once in your lifetime;
- Your redistribution bears non-commercial purpose; you do not charge for downloading or otherwise obtaining Creator's works, and do not monetize the process in any way, shape or form, including, but not limited to: monetizable links, such as URL shorteners, or advertisements in your service that somehow interfere with downloading process, or any form of paywal.
Not meeting this criteria will not neccesarily lead to any action taken by the Creator and does not explicitly violate terms of this license, but the Creator reserves the right to permanently revoke copying, redistribution and modification permissions from any person or party that does not fulfill them. Meeting all five of the abovementioned criteria ensures these rights cannot be revoked from you, as long as the criteria are met.