["Mana to Fluid ratio (Mana -> First Number, Fluid -> Second Number)"]
#Keep both of these values 1 if you want the trasnformation to be lossless, change if you want otherwise.
#The first number of the mana to fluid ratio, indicates the mana
#Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
ratio_antecedent = 1.0
#The second number of the mana to fluid ratio, indicates the fluid
#Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
ratio_consequent = 1.0
["Misc configs"]
#Basically stuff that will mostly never get used but nice to have!
#(DOESN'T WORK YET) Please, do NOT be a dummy while changing this, use a site to convert an 8 digit hexcode to an int, for example this (Take the decimal
number) : https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-decimal.html
#Range: > -2147483648
manaFluidHexCode = -15695617
#Change this to change the fluid outputted from the mana liquidizer and/or needed to be inputted to make the mana
manaFluidReplacement = "manaliquidizer:mana_fluid"
#Set this to true if you want a one way route of the mana liquidizer, i.e converting mana to fluid, but not back. Please change oneWayMode to make the route
work the way you want
isOneWayOnly = false
#(Requires isOneWayOnly to be true), Change this to fluidToManaOnly to allow conversion from fluid to mana ONLY, or keep it manaToFluidOnly for the opposite