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ShadowX_TTT 于 2022-8-23 22:50 ( 1年前 ) 发表在 [讨论] 分类。 [复制链接] [只看楼主] [打印]
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本帖最后由 QQ酱306630 于 2022-8-23 22:55 编辑


The patch isn't here yet. And I decided I won't upload a patch update.
As it is, workbenches are almost done being implemented into VMW; so once those are done, I'll give out an update that includes both bug-fixes that would've been in the patch, and the workbenches. If things go well, the update should arrive within a week.
Essentially, the reason it's been taking so long to get a patch update out is because irl stuff keeps getting in the way. By the time development started picking up a little bit more, though, workbenches were already far along, and we think there's a good chance it'll actually be finished this weekend. That's why at this point, there's no reason not to include the workbenches next update, considering that even if we didn't want to include them, we'd upload a patch at around the same time. Since workbenches will be finished by then, they'll be included.
In case people haven't seen my recent videos and missed out on what the workbenches will look like, here's some concepts I designed:

This ^ is what the workbench UI will look in-game. At the time of this announcement, most of the UI elements are done, as well as the functionality, we just need to do some extra fixing/polishing/code-cleaning, finishing touches, etc..

In the initial release of the workbench, schematics may or may not be included (it'll depend on a few things); and an upgrade system for the workbench is planned, but will be delayed for later for when we decide whether we'll port or not.
Final Note:
Most Arcade guns will be deleted in the next update. More specifically, all Halo content is gone; all COD Infinite Warfare content is also gone; the BFG-9000 is gone. Some of it may or may not come back.
Some arcade guns, like the SA-80, the AK-74M, etc. will be converted to regular guns within the next few updates. Some arcade guns, such as the OSIPR, will be kept to be revamped at a later date.

The reason why I'm doing this is because they make me feel bad about myself

发表于 2022-8-23 22:50:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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