
标题: CONTAGION(VMW官服)相关开发消息 [打印本页]

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:15
标题: CONTAGION(VMW官服)相关开发消息
本帖最后由 QQ酱102044 于 2021-10-16 16:13 编辑


作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:20
2021/01/02 Jim Holden
Hey guys, so here is our first ghoul. It's not done yet, but right now it has a few basic functions. This ghoul has a stealth mechanic, so if you make noises nearby it'll investigate or get angry. When it's angry, it rapidly looks around, which raises your chances of getting spotted.

Ghoul model and texture done by @Vic4Games
嘿伙计们,这是我们的第一个食尸鬼。 它尚未完成,但现在它具有一些基本功能。 这个食尸鬼有一个隐形机制,所以如果你在附近发出声音,它会调查或生气。 当它生气时,它会迅速环顾四周,这会增加你被发现的机会。

食尸鬼模型和纹理由@Vic4Games 完成

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:22
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:27
2021/01/11 Froshure
Cool pic of town square
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:29

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:34
2021/01/26 Froshure
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:35
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:35
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:39
2021/01/28 Jim Holden
Hey guys,

I posted a picture with no context earlier, and I wanted to see what you guys thought it was. Only a few of you got it: rapelling. In the image, you can see a climbing anchor, with a rope attached. The feature will allow you to rappel down into locations such as caves, and you will be able to move up and down on the rope.

I'm planning on adding a couple types of ropes, and ropes also have lengths. The different types would change the elasticity, in case you just want to go bungee jumping.

我之前发布了一张没有上下文的图片,我想看看你们是怎么想的。 只有少数人明白:滑索。 在图像中,您可以看到一个带有绳索的攀爬锚。 该功能将允许您下降到诸如洞穴之类的位置,并且您将能够在绳索上上下移动。

我打算添加几种类型的绳索,绳索也有长度。 不同的类型会改变弹性,以防你只想去蹦极。

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:40
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:46
2021/02/04 Vic4Games
Introducing the S7-10 Tricun - a submachine gun developed by White Flora Innovations (WFI) in Contagion lore:

Developed in 2022 and issued to WFI military personnel in 2024, the S7-10 Tricun stands as an effective weapon for multi-purpose use. Adapting the AR model, the submachine gun uses 10mm magazines, and sits at 850 RPM. The weapon was developed by WFI personnel Kendrick Halifax - codenamed "Tricun" - with the intention in mind of creating a tool that couldn't be replaced by most others. The S7-10 is capable of competing with military weapons such as the M27 IAR, only marginally falling short of typical assault rifle performance, and wildly exceeding the effectiveness of every other small-caliber gun in the world. To further enhance the purpose of the S7, Tricun developed experimental conversation kits - converting the gun to a 5.56mm/6.5mm assault rifle. Even present day in the apocalypse, 2029, the S7-10 is highly regarded and hunted for among gun enthusiasts.
介绍 S7-10 Tricun - 一种由 White Flora Innovations (WFI) 在 Contagion lore 中开发的冲锋枪:

S7-10 Tricun 于 2022 年开发并于 2024 年发布给 WFI 军事人员,是一种有效的多用途武器。 适应AR模型,冲锋枪使用10毫米弹匣,转速为850转。 该武器由 WFI 人员 Kendrick Halifax(代号为“Tricun”)开发,其目的是创造一种大多数其他枪械无法替代的枪械。 S7-10 能够与 M27 IAR 等军用武器竞争,仅略低于典型的突击步枪性能,并且远远超过世界上所有其他小口径枪的效能。 为了进一步增强 S7 的用途,Tricun 开发了实验性转换套件 - 将枪转换为 5.56 毫米/6.5 毫米突击步枪。 即使是在 2029 年的世界末日,S7-10 仍然受到枪支爱好者的高度重视和追捧。

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:47
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:52
2021/02/05 Froshure
This is a refugee camp where residents sought shelter for an entire week before they were finally overpowered by the relentless amount of Gouls. Luckily, this group was able to make it to the airport to be evacuated rather unfazed. But who knows if they were able to get on an airplane out in time... Now all that's left of this refugee camp are empty shells, just like the rest of this town and world.
这是一个难民营,居民们在那里避难了整整一周,最终被无情的食尸鬼攻占。 幸运的是,这群人能够毫不畏惧地到达机场进行疏散。 但是谁知道他们是否能够及时乘坐飞机离开......现在这个难民营只剩下空壳了,就像这个城镇和世界的其他地方一样。

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:56
2021/02/08 Froshure
New Tempix fishing port
New Tempix 鱼港

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:57
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:57
补图: ... ep5mcVAVzRyIXCBcVdM*JMc1HdYmA6615C14IviePsGFMEMFuhshqn.Oi.Spm1itZfjJ8UwpUV5Fk2QSwde4fDvRXvU!/r
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 20:58
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 21:01
2021/02/19 Vic4Games
Introducing the MAS-21 - an experimental handgun developed by White Flora Innovations (WFI) in Contagion lore:

Contrary to the independent S7 project developed by Tricun, the MAS-21 was put into experimentation and production by the E.W.B. (Experimental Weapons Branch) - a branch in White Flora Innovations that specializes in developing new and experimental weaponry. The MAS-21 was created with the intention of making a sidearm capable of switching calibers seamlessly without the need for conversion kits. The concept was initially brought up in the E.W.B. by a woman named Emma Torres in 2021. Torres pushed forward the idea that a caliber-switching sidearm would be greatly beneficial as the weapon could serve the needs of both 9x19mm and .45 ACP pistols. As such, the need for regular sidearms such as the P226, the M9A1, M1911, etc. would decrease, as this pistol would replace all modern handguns. However it took several years - until 2026 - that the weapon finally became a reality. Initial production proved to be expensive, but worth it, as this pistol became planned to become standard issue by 2030. The MAS-21 itself is a striker-operated pistol with an extended mechanism that allows the inner barrel to rotate - therefore tightening or loosening - in order to accommodate for switching between 9x19mm and .45 ACP seamlessly. This barrel-tightening mechanism operates via a lever on the right side, making for quick and efficient use. Few of these handguns were ever developed, since it hadn't been planned to become S.I. (standard issue) until 2030. In the apocalypse, this handgun is rare but very well worth the find.
MAS-21 - 一种由 White Flora Innovations (WFI) 在 Contagion lore 中开发的实验手枪: 与 Tricun 开发的独立 S7 项目相反,MAS-21 由 E.W.B. (Experimental Weapons Branch) - White Flora Innovations 的一个分支,专门开发新的实验性武器。 MAS-21 的创建旨在使武器能够无缝切换口径,而无需转换套件。这个概念最初是在 E.W.B.由一位名叫 Emma Torres 的女性于 2021 年提出。 Torres 提出了一个想法,即无缝口径切换将非常有用,因为该武器可以满足 9x19 毫米和 .45 ACP 手枪的需求。因此,对 P226、M9A1、M1911 等常规手枪的需求将会减少,因为这款手枪将取代所有现代手枪。然而,直到 2026 年,这种武器才最终成为现实,花了几年时间。最初的生产是昂贵的,但确实值得,因为这把手枪计划在 2030 年成为标准配置。 MAS-21 本身是一种撞针操作的手枪,带有一个扩展机构,允许内枪管旋转 - 因此拧紧或松开- 为了适应在 9x19mm 和 .45 ACP 之间无缝切换。这种枪管机构通过右侧的杠杆操作,可快速有效地使用。这些手枪很少被制造出来,因为它直到 2030 年才被计划成为 S.I.(标准发行版)。在 启示录服务器(VMW官服)中,这把手枪很罕见,但非常值得寻找。

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 21:01
作者: ChromaPIE    时间: 2021-10-9 21:02
本帖最后由 ChromaPIE 于 2021-10-9 21:03 编辑


作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 21:29
本帖最后由 QQ酱102044 于 2021-10-9 21:30 编辑

2021/03/01 Froshure
New Tempix is finished! Taking over 600 hours and 4 and a half months of work it is finally done. It is our largest, and lengthiest location to complete. Today we have started our new location... Can’t wait to share.          New Tempix was founded in the year 2018 on a secret island owned by WFI (White Flora Innovations - top-secret US agency) (the island being codenamed Subject Burning Spider). Whereas other towns were funded and built by WFI directly, New Tempix was created as one of the first towns to be built by employees in an independent branch of the agency. As of the year 2029, the town remains a desolate battlefield as a result of the zombie apocalypse - which started two years ago. In the initial week of the outbreak, WFI employees used New Tempix as a conduit for supply transport from the mainland as they waited for emergency evacuations to be carried out. However, the agency, instead, suffered a death rate of 35% as a result of the outbreak not being able to be contained. After these losses were counted, WFI halted further evacuations and dedicated their scientific efforts to find a solution to the outbreak. However, six months into their research, a second devastating event occurred that dismantled WFI's foundations, and consequently, the world's as well. A year and a half later, present day, New Tempix remains as a reminder for those who've experienced hell as they walk among the streets covered in blood and the smell of death.

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 21:31
本帖最后由 QQ酱102044 于 2021-10-9 21:32 编辑

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 21:32

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 21:33
          New Tempix 于 2018 年成立于 WFI(White Flora Innovations - 美国绝密机构)拥有的一个秘密岛上(该岛代号为“Subject Burning Spider”)。其他城镇由 WFI 直接资助和建设,而 New Tempix 则是由该机构独立分支机构的员工建造的首批城镇之一。截至 2029 年,由于两年前开始的僵尸启示录,该镇仍然是一个荒凉的战场。在疫情爆发的最初一周,WFI 员工在等待紧急疏散时使用 New Tempix 作为从大陆运送物资的管道。然而,由于无法控制疫情,该机构反而遭受了 35% 的死亡率。在计算了这些损失后,WFI 停止了进一步的疏散,并致力于通过科学努力寻找解决疫情的办法。然而,在他们的研究进行六个月后,发生了第二次毁灭性事件,摧毁了 WFI 的基础,因此也摧毁了整个世界。一年半之后的今天,New Tempix 仍然提醒那些经历过地狱的人,因为他们走在满是血腥味和死亡气味的街道上。
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-9 21:33
作者: MCTFjar    时间: 2021-10-10 00:26
作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-10 08:59
MCTFjar 发表于 2021-10-10 00:26

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-15 18:08
2021/03/01 Vic4Games
Introducing the XI-57809 "The Ninth Sin"

Six months after the initial outbreak, a second devastating event occurred that dismantled WFI's foundations, and the world's as well. This event was dubbed The Harbinger of the End. During this event, various anomalous crash sites were found on Subject Burning Spider containing new kinds of technology. This technology was so advanced that the idea behind it was unprecedented - as it could come from no less than 50,000 years in the future. And oddly enough, this technology was outfitted for human beings, suggesting that this technology was created by the human race.

The gun has a label on the right side which, initially, were thought to be in an unknown language, however were discovered to be a variation of the english language. It read "The Ninth Sin."

The weapon itself does not follow the conventional design of a modern gun. Instead, it is worn like a gauntlet. Furthermore, the weapon lacks a trigger to shoot the gun. With tests, it was quickly discovered that if the user simply thought of shooting, the gun would shoot. Doing this, however, is very difficult for human beings and is a cause for several issues. For one, if human beings made this weapon, how do they use it efficiently? With the current state of the human brain, it's nearly impossible to regulate our thought process and control it. Second, how do they prevent accidental fire? Another issue arises when it's realized there is no surefire way to aim this weapon - it lacks a sight or a scope. The answer to these questions are unknown.

However, during the tests of this weapon, it was discovered that it's an automatic gun that shoots an unknown yellow-colored energy. To date, this is the most powerful handheld weapon in the world - with destructive potential that could be on par with nuclear bombs if the gun were to be modified.

Overall, the history, composition, the ammunition, and the physics behind this weapon are all unknown.

在最初爆发六个月后,发生了第二次毁灭性事件,摧毁了 WFI 的基金会,也摧毁了世界。这一事件被称为终结的先驱。在这次事件中,在Subject Burning Spider上发现了各种包含新技术的异常坠机地点。这项技术非常先进,其背后的想法是前所未有的——因为它可能来自不少于 50,000 年的未来。奇怪的是,这项技术是为人类配备的,这表明这项技术是由人类创造的。这把枪的右侧有一个标签,最初被认为是一种未知的语言,但被发现是英语的变体。上面写着“第九罪”。武器本身并不遵循现代枪支的传统设计。相反,它像手套一样穿着。此外,该武器没有扳机来开枪。通过测试,很快发现,如果用户只是想开枪,枪就会开枪。然而,这样做对人类来说非常困难,并且会导致几个问题。首先,如果人类制造了这种武器,他们如何有效地使用它?以人类大脑的当前状态,几乎不可能调节和控制我们的思维过程。二、如何防止意外?当意识到没有万无一失的方法来瞄准这种武器时,就会出现另一个问题——它缺乏瞄准镜或瞄准镜。这些问题的答案是未知的。然而,在对这把武器进行测试的过程中,发现它是一种自动枪,发射出一种未知的黄色能量。迄今为止,这是世界上最强大的手持武器——如果对枪支进行改装,其破坏潜力可能与核弹相当。总的来说,这种武器背后的历史、成分、弹药和物理原理都是未知的。

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-15 18:46
The airbase I showed yesterday is the Miterrkan Private Military Airbase. It is a rather new airbase that popped up around the year 2014. It gets its name from the neighboring town "Miterrkan Valley" across a nearby mountain. It serves as a coastal defense along WFI's (White Flora Innovations, the agency that owns the island) most vital portions of land. Along with coastal defense, the airbase also served as a transport hub for military equipment and vehicles being hauled nationally and internationally.          After the outbreak, WFI became dedicated to solving it. For approximately the first four months, they sent small scientific missions to Subject Burning Spider (the island they're on) to study the nature of the outbreak. The Miterrkan Private Military Airbase was used as a landing site for these operations. After WFI finished its research, they sent military surveillance battalions to Subject Burning Spider to assist their on-site operators in their missions, one of which being to exterminate the ghouls. After their continuous, short on/off experiments, they were finally able to start utilizing the base and to start living on it for up to a week at a time; although currently right now, it is abandoned. That's why if you go here, you may still be able to find potted interior plants still alive, or even non-rotted food still eerily lying on tables. Although this is only true for about half of the base, the other half that isn't important to WFI (stuff like mess halls, training facilities, and administrative/intelligence facilities, etc.) wouldn't be used; Since obviously, business as usual won't really happen in the middle of an apocalypse.
我昨天展示的空军基地是 Miterrkan Private Military Airbase。这是一个相当新的空军基地,大约在 2014 年左右出现。它的名字来自附近一座山上的邻近城镇“Miterrkan Valley”。它作为 WFI(拥有该岛的机构)最重要的土地部分的海岸防御。除了海防外,该空军基地还作为军事装备和车辆在国内和国际上的运输枢纽。          疫情爆发后,WFI 开始致力于解决它。大约在最初的四个月里,他们向 Subject Burning Spider(他们所在的岛屿)发送了小型科学任务,以研究爆发的性质。 Miterrkan 私人军事空军基地被用作这些任务的实验室。在 WFI 完成研究后,他们派遣军事监视营前往“燃烧蜘蛛”对象,以协助他们的现场操作员执行任务,其中一项任务是消灭食尸鬼。在他们清理之后,他们终于能够开始利用基地并开始在上面生活长达一周;虽然现在,它被放弃了。这就是为什么你能去这里,你可能仍然能够找到还活着的盆栽室内植物,甚至还可以找到仍然诡异地躺在桌子上的未腐烂的食物---尽管这仅适用于大约一半的基地,显然不会使用对 WFI 不重要的另一半(如食堂、培训设施和行政/情报设施等);显然,在世界末日期间,一切照旧不会真正发生。


作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-15 18:56

Vic4Games2021/04/10Introducing the Star Breaker スターブレーカーThis weapon was stolen by ha redacted lore spoilers six years after the initial outbreak (present day is then 2033). This large sniper rifle-esq weapon is equipped with similar technology to the Ninth Sin. However, the destructive potential of this weapon truly lives up to its name. On the left side of the gun is written スターブレーカー in Japanese Katakana. It translates to Star Breaker in the english language.The Star Breaker, given enough electricity to power several Earths, can destroy entire protoplanets (small-sized planets, roughly the size of the Moon). If used efficiently, the Star Breaker can be shot at a star, effectively resulting in the decimation of the respective star system. However, without that power, the gun will only be capable of destroying large vehicles at best. To harness the Star Breaker's maximum potential, a massive battery holding energy yet undiscovered to Humanity must be plugged into this gun.In the server, you won't be able to get massive batteries to power this weapon lol. So you won't get to destroy planets.... obviously.
介绍灭星者 スターブレーカー

这种大型狙击步枪式武器配备了与第九罪相似的技术。然而,这种武器的破坏潜力确实名副其实。枪的左侧用日文写着スターブレーカー。它在英语中翻译为 Star Breaker。Star Breaker 提供的电力足以为多个地球供电,可以摧毁整个原行星(小型行星,大约与月球大小相同)。如果使用得当,Star Breaker 可以射向一颗恒星,有效地导致相应恒星系统的毁灭。但是,如果没有这种力量,该枪最多只能摧毁大型车辆。为了发挥星际破坏者的最大潜力,必须在这把枪中插入一个巨大的电池,该电池储存着人类尚未发现的能量。在服务器中,你将无法获得大量电池来为这把武器供电,哈哈。所以你不会去摧毁行星......显然。

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-15 19:11
For the past week and a half, I've been hard at work updating the map's terrain. The map is now much more detailed, less repetitive, and fun to explore!
在过去的一周半中,我一直在努力更新地图的地形。 地图现在更加详细,减少了重复,并且探索起来很有趣!

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-15 19:31
Revealing some more mobs! Two of them are bosses, the Hyper Weapon, and the Dissomorph.
The Hyper Weapon is an endgame boss that'll be very tough to take down (think of it as the final boss)
The Dissomorph is an evolved Ghoul - the final stage of Ghouls, if you will. They spawn in Ghoul hives, and they are early game bosses. Think of the Dissomorph as the first boss you'll fight in the game.
And the Shrieker Ghoul isn't a boss, but instead another type of Ghoul - it wanders around in the daytime, unlike other Ghouls (all the other Ghouls sleep in the day). If the Shrieker Ghoul spots you, it'll shriek, which'll wake up all surrounding sleeping Ghouls in the vicinity and aggravate them to attack you.
揭示更多生物!其中两个是 Boss,超级武器和 Dissomorph。超级武器是一个非常难以取下的残局 Boss(将其视为最终的 Boss)Dissomorph 是一个进化的食尸鬼——如果你愿意的话,这是 Ghouls 的最后阶段。它们在 Ghoul 蜂巢中生成,他们是早期游戏的 Boss。把 Dissomorph 想象成你将在游戏中战斗的第一个 Boss。尖叫食尸鬼不是boss,而是另一种类型的食尸鬼——它在白天四处游荡,不像其他食尸鬼(所有其他食尸鬼都在白天睡觉)。如果尖叫食尸鬼发现你,它会尖叫,这会唤醒附近所有沉睡的食尸鬼,并激怒他们攻击你。

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-15 19:47
Sorry for the lack of updates, we've been redoing all of the vehicle assets. Here's the nature reserve we finished about a week ago, excluding some new blocks that we will get soon that add colors to all blocks like fences, walls, layer blocks (snow layer), slabs, and stairs. It probably doesn't sound that interesting to you, but it'll improve our builds a ton.

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-16 15:50
Some of our redone car assets

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-16 16:05

This cargo port, just north of the once bustling town of New Tempix,  would be responsible for carrying in a lot of the off-island goods from around the world to this part of the island. The cargo port is quite a lot smaller than the huge ones you'd find in real life that come to mind; which should hint at the population size of this island in the north Atlantic.
这个货运港口位于曾经熙熙攘攘的 New Tempix 镇以北,将负责将许多来自世界各地的离岛货物运往该岛的这一部分。你在现实生活中会发现这些巨大的货物想到; 这应该暗示这个北大西洋岛屿的人口规模。

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-16 16:09

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-16 16:10

作者: QQ酱102044    时间: 2021-10-16 16:12

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