# Configuration file
general {
"bugfixes: blocks" {
# Fixes inconsistent delays of comparators to prevent redstone timing issues
B:"Comparator Timing"=true
# Slims down the hopper bounding box for easier access of nearby blocks
B:"Hopper Bounding Box"=true
# Prevents crashes when the destination tile entity becomes unavailable during the item insert process
# Mainly utilized to suppress edge case symptoms with Thaumcraft's Thaumatorium
B:"Hopper Insert Safety Check"=true
# Prevents voiding held items when right + left clicking on an item frame simultaneously
#防止在右键 + 左键同时单击项目框时将保留的项目清空
B:"Item Frame Void"=true
# Disables climbing movement when flying
B:"Ladder Flying Slowdown"=true
# Avoids the need for multiple mining attempts by sending additional movement packets
B:"Mining Glitch"=true
# Properly saves the last state of pistons to tags
B:"Piston Progress"=true
"block overlay" {
# Fixes x-ray when standing in non-suffocating blocks
B:"[1] Block Overlay Toggle"=true
# Excludes blocks from the block overlay bugfix
# Syntax: modid:block
S:"[2] Blacklist" <
# Includes blocks in the block overlay bugfix
# Syntax: modid:block
S:"[3] Whitelist" <
"bugfixes: entities" {
# Improves the attack radius of hostile mobs by checking the line of sight with raytracing
B:"Attack Radius"=true
# Prevents fire projectiles burning entities when blocking with shields
B:"Block Fire"=true
# Fixes entities glitching through the bottom of boats
B:"Boat Riding Offset"=true
# Replaces linked entity AI task sets with concurrent sets to avoid mod exception concerning entity AI
#将链接的实体 AI 任务集替换为并发集,以避免有关实体 AI 的模组异常
# Only enable this if you're facing concurrent modification exceptions with entity AI tasks, for example Thaumcraft's Pechs
#仅当您遇到实体 AI 任务的并发修改异常时,才启用此功能,例如 Thaumcraft 的 Pechs
B:"Concurrent Entity AI Tasks"=false
# Fixes corrupted entities exceeding the allowed death time
B:"Death Time"=true
# Fixes lag caused by dead entities by sending additional packets when the player is not alive
B:"Destroy Entity Packets"=true
# Fixes missing player states when changing dimensions by sending additional packets
B:"Dimension Change Player States"=true
# Fixes item dupes when players are dropping items and disconnecting
B:"Disconnect Dupe"=true
# Fixes consuming an item having a chance of also consuming a second item without any animation
B:"Double Consumption"=true
# Relocate elytra deployment and landing to client side to prevent issues with high latencies
B:"Elytra Deployment & Landing"=true
# Saves entity bounding boxes to tags to prevent breakouts and suffocation
B:"Entity Bounding Box"=true
# Fixes entity motion desyncs most notable with arrows and thrown items
B:"Entity Desync"=true
# Fixes non-functional elytra firework boosting and guardian targeting if the entity ID is 0
#修复鞘翅烟花加速和守卫者定位在实体 ID 为 0 时无法正常工作
B:"Entity ID"=true
# Prevents corruption of entities caused by invalid health or damage values
B:"Entity NaN Values"=true
# Pushes entities out of blocks when growing up to prevent suffocation
B:"Entity Suffocation"=true
# Fixes entity tracker to prevent client-sided desyncs when teleporting or changing dimensions
B:"Entity Tracker"=true
# Changes UUIDs of loaded entities in case their UUIDs are already assigned (and removes log spam)
#更改已加载实体的 UUID,以防止出现"已分配其 UUID"问题(并删除日志垃圾)
B:"Entity UUID"=true
# Corrects maximum player health on joining by setting the last saved health value
B:"Max Player Health"=true
# Fixes mounts and boats sometimes disappearing after dismounting
B:"Mount Desync"=true
# Fixes saturation depleting in peaceful mode
B:"Player Saturation"=true
# Fixes skeletons not looking at their targets when strafing
B:"Skeleton Aim"=true
# Returns missing hoods to villager mantles
B:"Villager Mantle Hoods"=true
"bugfixes: misc" {
# Improves the accuracy of smooth lighting by checking for suffocation and light opacity
B:"Accurate Smooth Lighting"=true
# Fixes entity and particle rendering issues by enabling depth buffer writing
B:"Depth Mask"=true
# Replaces the help command, sorts and reports broken commands
B:"Help Command"=true
# Prevents various crashes with Turkish locale
B:"Locale Crash"=true
"model gap" {
# Fixes transparent gaps in all 3D models of blocks and items
#修复方块和物品的所有 3D 模型中的透明间隙
B:"[1] Model Gap Toggle"=true
# Quad X/Y offset
#四边形 X/Y 偏移
# Moves the quad toward the center of the item
# Use to hide gaps, keep as close to 0 as possible
#用于隐藏间隙,尽可能接近 0
D:"[2] Recess Value"=0.007
# Quad expansion increment
# Enlarges each quad
# Use to hide gaps, keep as close to 0 as possible
#用于隐藏间隙,尽可能接近 0
D:"[3] Expansion Value"=0.008
"bugfixes: world" {
# Fixes loading of outdated chunks to prevent duplications, deletions and data corruption
B:"Chunk Saving"=true
# Fixes invisible chunks in edge cases (small enclosed rooms at chunk borders)
B:"Frustum Culling"=true
# Changes the data table of tile entities to resolve issues
# HASHMAP: Vanilla default
# LINKED_HASHMAP: Keeps the loading order of tile entities to prevent issues during the first ticks of chunk loading
# CONCURRENT_HASHMAP: Allows simultaneous access to tile entities to prevent concurrent modification exceptions
# Valid values:
debug {
# Disables config resets on mod updates
# Please note that you will face duplicate/invalid config settings
B:"Bypass Config Versioning"=false
# For those who live life on the edge, may or may not include Jons
B:"Bypass Incompatibility Warnings"=false
# Version number of the config file
# Do not touch!
#配置文件的版本号 请勿触摸!
S:"Config Version"=1.12.2-1.6.0
# Enables debug logging
B:"Debug Logging"=false
# Enables a screen displaying incompatible mods on game load
B:"Obsolete Mods Screen"=true
# Prints the time the game needed to launch to the log
B:"Show Loading Time"=true
"mod integration" {
abyssalcraft {
# Makes an optimization to reduce tick overhead of AbyssalCraft's item transport system
B:"Optimized Item Transport"=true
"advent of ascension" {
# Fixes AoA player ticking in certain GUIs without player inventories (i.e. Flux Networks GUI)
#修复了 AoA 播放器在某些没有玩家库存的 GUI 中滴答作响的问题(即通量网络 GUI)(?)
B:"Inventory-less GUI Compatibility"=false
"biomes o' plenty" {
# Fixes rapid inflection of regeneration effects in hot spring water
B:"Hot Spring Water"=true
botania {
# Enables the Botania Garden of Glass skybox for custom dimensions
# Abides by Botania's 'enableFancySkybox' config option
# Example: 43
I:"Fancy Skybox" <
"chocolate quest repoured" {
# Restores the golden feather behavior from the original Better Dungeons mod
B:"Legacy Golden Feather"=true
"elementary staffs" {
# Reintroduces the 1.5 electric staff behavior along with some subtle particles
#重新引入 1.5 electric staff 行为以及一些微妙的粒子
B:"Electric Staff Port"=true
"elenai dodge 2" {
# Fixes server-sided crashes when the Feathers Helper API is utilized
#修复了使用Feathers Helper API 时服务器端崩溃的问题
B:"Feathers Helper API Fix"=true
"epic siege mod" {
# Disables leftover debug logging inside the digger AI of the beta builds
#禁用测试版Digger AI 内的剩余调试日志记录
B:"Disable Digger AI Debug"=true
forestry {
# Adds custom emerald to germling trades to the arborist villager
# Syntax: level;emeralds_min;emeralds_max;germlings_min;germlings_max;type;complexity_min;complexity_max
# level Level when this trade becomes available (how much trading needs to be done)
# emeralds_min Lower random limit for emeralds
# emeralds_max Upper random limit for emeralds
# germlings_min Lower random limit for germlings
# germlings_max Upper random limit for germlings
# type Type of germling, can be either pollen or sapling
# complexity_min Lower limit of allele complexity
# complexity_max Upper limit of allele complexity
# Example for a level 5 trade for a single sapling with a complexity between 6 and 10, costing between 10 to 40 emeralds:
# 5;10;40;1;1;sapling;6;10
S:"Arborist Villager Trades" <
# Disables damage caused by bees bypassing player armor
B:"Disable Bee Damage Armor Bypass"=true
# Allows Forestry farms to pick up ExtraTrees fruit
B:"Extra Trees: Gather Windfall"=true
"mo' creatures" {
# Adds support for modded biome spawns
# Syntax: modid;name;key;tag;filename
# modid Mod ID required for this to be added
# name Mod name
# key Used for class lookups, needs to be a unique part of the modded package, e.g. mod.acgaming.*universaltweaks*.mods
# tag Short tag for logs
# filename Filename to use for the generated config
S:"Custom Modded Biomes" <
# Disables the flickering burning effect of flame wraiths
B:"Disable Flame Wraith Burning"=true
roost {
# Improves load time by registering CT chickens early for Roost to detect them
#通过尽早注册 CT 鸡来缩短加载时间,以便 Roost 检测到它们
# Note: All CT chickens must be specified in "Custom Chickens" for this tweak to work!
# Note: In your .zs files, to use ContentTweaker's MaterialSystem Parts, you must:
#注意:在 .zs 文件中,要使用 ContentTweaker 的 MaterialSystem Parts,您必须:
# 1) Use '#loader finalize_contenttweaker', not '#loader contenttweaker'
#使用“#loader finalize_contenttweaker”,不是“#loader contenttweaker”
# 2) Use the Material Part Bracket Handler to reference the item
B:"ContentTweaker: Early Register CT Chickens"=false
# Adds custom chickens from mods (e.g. ContentTweaker) to Roost's stock texture check
#将来自模组(例如ContentTweaker)的自定义鸡添加到 Roost 的库存纹理检查中
# Syntax: name
# name Chicken name
S:"Custom Chickens" <
"simple difficulty" {
# Fixes the interaction of iron canteens with rain collectors
B:"Iron Canteen Interaction Fix"=true
"storage drawers" {
# Fixes voiding of items when nearing full capacity
# Fixes slotless item handler implementation not allowing the extraction from compacting item drawers with the vending upgrade
# Caches the drawer controller tile to avoid getting the TE from the world every time a drawer slave is interacted with
#缓存抽屉控制器磁贴,以避免每次与抽屉从站交互时从世界获取 TE
B:"Item Handlers"=false
# Approximate range in blocks at which drawers render contained items
# 0 for default unlimited range
I:"Render Range"=0
"tech reborn" {
# Optimizes the Rolling Machine to reduce tick time
B:"Optimized Rolling Machine"=true
thaumcraft {
# Fixes the bounding box always being at the center in both cinderpearls and shimmerleafs
B:"Flower Bounding Box"=true
# Stops the thaumometer from bobbing rapidly when using it to scan objects
B:"Stable Thaumometer"=true
"thaumcraft: entities" {
# Adds particles to firebats similar to legacy versions
B:"Firebat Particles"=true
# Rotates dead eldritch crabs all the way like endermites, silverfish, and spiders
B:"Spiderlike Eldritch Crabs"=true
# Increases particle size of wisps similar to legacy versions
B:"Wisp Particles"=true
"thaumcraft: foci" {
"focus effects" {
# Overhauls the break focus effect cast sound
#真实的break focus效果投射声音
B:"[01] Break: Cast Sound Revamp"=true
# Adds an impact sound to the break focus effect
#将冲击声音添加到break focus效果
B:"[02] Break: Impact Sound"=true
# Overhauls the earth focus effect cast sound
#真实的earth focus效果投射声音
B:"[03] Earth: Cast Sound Revamp"=true
# Adds an impact sound to the earth focus effect
#为earth focus效果添加冲击声音
B:"[04] Earth: Impact Sound"=true
# Adds an impact sound to the fire focus effect
#为fire focus效果添加冲击声音
B:"[05] Fire: Impact Sound"=true
# Adds an impact sound to the flux focus effect
#为flux focus效果添加冲击声音
B:"[06] Flux: Impact Sound"=true
# Overhauls the frost focus effect cast sound to make it a lot less plangent
#彻底修改了frost focus效果投射声音,使其不那么平坦
B:"[07] Frost: Cast Sound Revamp"=true
# Adds an impact sound to the frost focus effect
#为frost focus效果添加冲击声音
B:"[08] Frost: Impact Sound"=true
# Overhauls the heal focus effect cast sound
#真实的heal focus效果投射声音
B:"[09] Heal: Cast Sound Revamp"=true
# Adds an impact sound to the heal focus effect
#为heal focus效果添加冲击声音
B:"[10] Heal: Impact Sound"=true
# Overhauls the rift focus effect cast sound
#真实的rift focus效果投射声音
B:"[11] Rift: Cast Sound Revamp"=true
# Adds an impact sound to the rift focus effect
#为rift focus效果添加冲击声音
B:"[12] Rift: Impact Sound"=true
"focus mediums" {
# Plays an additional cast sound when using any bolt focus medium to add an extra layer of pow
#使用任何bolt focus medium添加额外的 pow 层时播放额外的投射声音
B:"[1] Bolt: Cast Sound"=true
# Plays an additional cast sound when using any cloud focus medium
#使用任何cloud focus medium时播放额外的投射声音
B:"[2] Cloud: Cast Sound"=true
# Adds additional cast, despawn, and setup sounds when using any mine focus medium
#使用任何mine focus medium时添加额外的投射、去生成和设置声音
B:"[3] Mine: Sound Overhaul"=true
# Plays an additional cast sound when summoning any type of spellbat
B:"[4] Spellbat: Cast Sound"=true
"thermal expansion" {
# Adds Monoculture Cycle integration to desired phytogenic insolator recipes added by ModTweaker
#将单一栽培循环集成添加到 ModTweaker 添加的所需植物性溶剂配方中
# Register the recipe with Insolator.addRecipeMonoculture() instead of Insolator.addRecipe() in .zs files
#在 .zs 文件中使用 Insolator.addRecipeMonoculture() 而不是 Insolator.addRecipe() 注册配方
# (and Insolator.addRecipeMonocultureSaplingInfuser() instead of Insolator.addRecipeSaplingInfuser())
# Note: Make sure the 'fertilizer' is specified as the secondaryInput arg in the function
B:"Insolator Custom Monoculture"=true
"tinkers' construct" {
# Excludes gaseous fluids from being transferable via faucets
B:"Gaseous Fluids"=false
# Suppresses special abilities of long swords and rapiers when shurikens are wielded in the offhand
B:"Offhand Shuriken"=true
# Caches all ore dictionary smelting recipes to speed up game loading
B:"Ore Dictionary Cache"=true
# Despawns unbreakable projectiles faster to improve framerates
B:"Projectile Despawning"=true
"tweaks: blocks" {
# Replaces bed obstruction checks with an improved version
B:"Bed Obstruction Replacement"=true
# Prevents breaking lower parts of sugar cane and cacti as well as unripe crops, unless sneaking
B:"Better Harvest"=false
# Sets the delay in ticks between breaking blocks
I:"Block Hit Delay"=5
# Determines how tall cacti can grow
I:"Cactus Size"=3
# Makes leaves decay faster when trees are chopped
B:"Fast Leaf Decay"=true
# Allows the player to jump over fences and walls
B:"Fence/Wall Jump"=true
# Allows the creation of grass paths everywhere (beneath fence gates, trapdoors, ...)
B:"Lenient Paths"=true
# Determines how tall sugar cane can grow
I:"Sugar Cane Size"=3
# Determines how long vines can grow
# 0 = Infinite (vanilla default)
I:"Vine Size"=0
"better placement" {
# Removes the delay between placing blocks
B:"[1] Better Placement Toggle"=false
# If the cursor must be moved to a new location before placing another block
B:"[2] Force New Location"=true
# Only affects block placement in creative mode
B:"[3] Creative Mode Only"=false
"block dispenser" {
# Allows dispensers to place blocks
B:"[1] Block Dispenser Toggle"=true
# List of blocks concerning dispensing
# Behavior depends on the list mode
# Syntax: modid:block
S:"[2] Block List" <
# Blacklist Mode: Blocks which can't be placed, others can
# Whitelist Mode: Blocks which can be placed, others can't
# Valid values:
S:"[3] List Mode"=BLACKLIST
"breakable bedrock" {
# Allows customizable mining of bedrock
B:"[1] Breakable Bedrock Toggle"=false
# List of tools concerning mining bedrock
# Behavior depends on the list mode
# Syntax: modid:tool
S:"[2] Tool List" <
# Blacklist Mode: Tools which can't mine bedrock, others can
# Whitelist Mode: Tools which can mine bedrock, others can't
# Valid values:
S:"[3] List Mode"=BLACKLIST
"finite water" {
# Prevents creation of infinite water sources
B:"[1] Finite Water Toggle"=false
# Allows creation of infinite water sources in ocean and river biomes
B:"[2] Allow Water Biomes"=true
# Inclusive minimum altitude at which water is infinite
I:"[3] Minimum Altitude"=0
# Inclusive maximum altitude at which water is infinite
I:"[4] Maximum Altitude"=63
"tweaks: entities" {
# Removes entity AI for improved server performance
B:"AI Removal"=false
# Replaces entity AI for improved server performance
B:"AI Replacement"=true
# Replaces auto jump with an increased step height (singleplayer only)
B:"Auto Jump Replacement"=true
# Enables ignition of entities by right-clicking instead of awkwardly lighting the block under them
B:"Better Ignition"=true
# Sets the acceleration value for controlling boats
D:"Boat Speed"=0.04
# Sets the chance for creepers to spawn charged
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
D:"Creeper Charged Spawning Chance"=0.0
# Sets the chance to replace deadly creeper explosions with delightful confetti
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
D:"Creeper Confetti Spawning Chance"=0.0
# Disables creepers dropping music discs when slain by skeletons
B:"Disable Creeper Music Discs"=false
# Disables skipping night by using a bed while making it still able to set spawn
B:"Disable Sleeping"=false
# Lets husks and strays spawn underground like regular zombies and skeletons
B:"Husk & Stray Spawning"=true
# Mobs carrying picked up items will drop their equipment and despawn properly
B:"Mob Despawn Improvement"=true
# Stops horses wandering around when saddled
B:"No Saddled Wandering"=true
# Sets the chance for rabbits to spawn as the killer bunny variant
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
D:"Rabbit Killer Spawning Chance"=0.0
# Sets the chance for rabbits to spawn as the Toast variant
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
D:"Rabbit Toast Spawning Chance"=0.0
attributes {
# Sets custom ranges for entity attributes
B:"[01] Attributes Toggle"=true
D:"[02] Max Health Min"=-65536.0
D:"[03] Max Health Max"=65536.0
D:"[04] Follow Range Min"=-65536.0
D:"[05] Follow Range Max"=65536.0
D:"[06] Knockback Resistance Min"=-65536.0
D:"[07] Knockback Resistance Max"=65536.0
D:"[08] Movement Speed Min"=-65536.0
D:"[09] Movement Speed Max"=65536.0
D:"[10] Flying Speed Min"=-65536.0
D:"[11] Flying Speed Max"=65536.0
D:"[12] Attack Damage Min"=-65536.0
D:"[13] Attack Damage Max"=65536.0
D:"[14] Attack Speed Min"=-65536.0
D:"[15] Attack Speed Max"=65536.0
D:"[16] Armor Min"=-65536.0
D:"[17] Armor Max"=65536.0
D:"[18] Armor Toughness Min"=-65536.0
D:"[19] Armor Toughness Max"=65536.0
D:"[20] Luck Min"=-65536.0
D:"[21] Luck Max"=65536.0
"better burning" {
# Fixes some edge cases where fire damage sources won't cause mobs to drop their cooked items
B:"[1] Cooked Items"=true
# If entities have fire resistance, they get extinguished right away when on fire
B:"[2] Extinguishing"=true
# Prevents the fire animation overlay from being displayed when the player is immune to fire
B:"[3] Fire Overlay"=true
# Allows skeletons to shoot flaming arrows when on fire (30% chance * regional difficulty)
B:"[4] Flaming Arrows"=true
# Allows fire to spread from entity to entity (30% chance * regional difficulty)
B:"[5] Spreading Fire"=true
"easy breeding" {
# Enables easy breeding of animals by tossing food on the ground
B:"[1] Easy Breeding Toggle"=false
# Determines the distance for animals to search for food
D:"[2] Search Distance"=10.0
"collision damage" {
# Applies horizontal collision damage to the player akin to elytra collision
B:"[1] Collision Damage Toggle"=false
# The damage factor that gets multiplied with the player speed
# Vanilla default for elytra damage is 10
I:"[2] Damage Factor"=10
"no golems" {
# Disables the manual creation of iron golems
B:"[1] Iron Golem Toggle"=false
# Disables the manual creation of snow golems
B:"[2] Snow Golem Toggle"=false
# Disables the manual creation of withers
B:"[3] Wither Toggle"=false
"player speed" {
# Enables the modification of base and maximum player speeds
B:"[1] Player Speed Toggle"=false
# Determines the player's base walk speed
D:"[2] Walk Speed"=0.1
# Determines the player's base fly speed
D:"[3] Fly Speed"=0.05
# Determines the player's maximum speed
# Increase if you get the infamous 'Player moved too quickly' messages
D:"[4] Max Speed"=100.0
# Determines the player's maximum speed when flying with elytra
# Increase if you get the infamous 'Player moved too quickly' messages
D:"[5] Max Elytra Speed"=300.0
# Determines the player's maximum speed when riding a vehicle or mount
# Increase if you get the infamous 'Player moved too quickly' messages
D:"[6] Max Vehicle Speed"=100.0
"rally health" {
# Adds Bloodborne's Rally system to Minecraft
# Regain lost health when attacking back within the risk time
B:"[1] Rally Health Toggle"=false
# Determines the risk time in ticks
I:"[2] Risk Time"=60
# Determines the chance to regain health in percent
I:"[3] Heal Chance"=80
# Plays an indication sound effect when health is regained
B:"[4] Indication Sound"=false
"spawn caps" {
# Sets maximum spawning limits for different entity types
B:"[1] Spawn Caps Toggle"=false
# Maximum amount of monsters (IMob)
I:"[2] Monster Cap"=70
# Maximum amount of creatures (EntityAnimal)
I:"[3] Creature Cap"=10
# Maximum amount of ambients (EntityAmbientCreature)
I:"[4] Ambient Cap"=15
# Maximum amount of water creatures (EntityWaterMob)
I:"[5] Water Creature Cap"=5
"undead horses" {
# Lets untamed undead horses burn in daylight
B:"Burning Undead Horses"=true
# Allows taming of undead horses
B:"Taming Undead Horses"=true
"water fall damage" {
# Re-implements an improved version of pre-1.4 fall damage in water
B:"[1] Water Fall Damage Toggle"=false
# How much fall damage gets reduced by water per tick
D:"[2] Damage Reduction"=2.0
"tweaks: items" {
# Switches the selected hotbar slot to a proper tool if required
B:"Auto Switch Tools"=false
# Bows enchanted with Infinity no longer require arrows
B:"Bow Infinity"=true
# Sets custom rarities for items, affecting tooltip colors
# Syntax: modid:item:meta;rarity
# 'meta' is optional and defaults to 0
# Available rarities: common, uncommon, rare, epic
# Example -> minecraft:diamond;rare
S:"Custom Rarity" <
# Sets custom use durations for items like shields, affecting the maximum block time
# Syntax: modid:item:meta;duration;cooldown
# 'meta' and 'cooldown' are optional and default to 0, 'duration' and 'cooldown' in ticks
# Examples -> minecraft:shield;69
# -> custommod:customshield:1;42;69
S:"Custom Use Duration" <
# Prevents placing of liquid source blocks in the world
B:"Hardcore Buckets"=false
# Disables the 1.9 combat update attack cooldown
B:"No Attack Cooldown"=false
# Disables crafting recipes for repairing tools
B:"No Crafting Repair"=false
# Disables dragon's breath from being a container item and leaving off empty bottles when a stack is brewed with
B:"No Leftover Breath Bottles"=true
# Enables one-time ignition of entities by hitting them with a torch
B:"Super Hot Torch"=false
# Sets the amount of experience spawned by bottles o' enchanting
# -1 for vanilla default
I:"XP Bottle Amount"=-1
"item entities" {
# Enables the modification of item entity properties
B:"[01] Item Entities Toggle"=true
# Adds physical aspects such as collision boxes to item entities
B:"[02] Physics"=false
# Item entities can be picked up automatically
# When disabled, item entities can be picked up by right-clicking (requires 'Physics' option)
B:"[03] Automatic Pickup"=true
# Item entities can only be picked up when sneaking
B:"[04] Sneaking Pickup"=false
# Tools which enable picking up items automatically
# Example -> minecraft:bucket
S:"[05] Collection Tool" <
# Determines the delay in ticks until item entities can be picked up
# -1 for vanilla default
I:"[06] Pickup Delay"=-1
# Determines the time in ticks until item entities get despawned
# -1 for vanilla default
I:"[07] Lifespan"=-1
# Stops combination of item entities
B:"[08] No Combination"=false
# Stops combination of item entities if their maximum stack size is reached
B:"[09] Smart Combination"=true
# The radius (in blocks) that dropped items should check around them for other dropped items to combine with
# Depends on the Smart Combination toggle
D:"[10] Smart Combination Radius"=2.0
# Allows dropped items to also check above and below them for combination
# Depends on the Smart Combination toggle
B:"[11] Smart Combination Y-Axis Check"=true
# Enables the rotation effect
B:"[12] Rotation"=true
# Enables the bobbing effect
B:"[13] Bobbing"=true
# Makes item entities flash when they're about to despawn
B:"[14] Clear Despawn"=false
# Determines the time in seconds item entities have left before despawn to start flashing
I:"[15] Clear Despawn: Flashing Time"=20
# Makes item entities flash faster as they get closer to despawning
B:"[16] Clear Despawn: Urgent Flashing"=true
mending {
# Implements modern mending behavior to only repair damaged equipment with XP
B:"[1] Mending Toggle"=true
# Determines the amount of durability mending will repair, on average, per point of experience
D:"[2] Ratio"=2.0
# Repairs damaged items from the entire inventory with XP
B:"[3] Overpowered"=false
"shield parry" {
# Allows parrying of projectiles with shields
B:"[01] Shield Parry Toggle"=false
# Determines the amount of time an arrow can be parried after raising the shield
# Measured in ticks
I:"[02] Arrow Time Window"=40
# Determines the amount of time a fireball can be parried after raising the shield
# Measured in ticks
I:"[03] Fireball Time Window"=40
# Determines the amount of time a throwable can be parried after raising the shield
# Measured in ticks
I:"[04] Throwable Time Window"=40
# Syntax: modid:entity
# Example: minecraft:arrow
S:"[05] Projectile List" <
# Blacklist Mode: Projectiles which can't be parried, others can be parried
# Whitelist Mode: Projectiles which can be parried, others can't be parried
# Valid values:
S:"[06] List Mode"=BLACKLIST
# Plays an indication sound effect when projectiles are parried
B:"[07] Indication Sound"=false
# Adds the Rebound enchantment for extended parry time windows
B:"[08] Rebound Enchantment"=true
# Makes the Rebound enchantment exclusive to enchanted books as loot
B:"[09] Rebound Treasure Enchantment"=false
# Maximum enchantment level for the Rebound enchantment
I:"[10] Rebound Max Level"=5
# Multiplier for the parry time windows
D:"[11] Rebound Multiplier"=0.25
# Requires the rebound enchantment for parrying
B:"[12] Require Rebound Enchantment"=false
"tweaks: misc" {
# Enables clicking of `/seed` world seed in chat to copy to clipboard
B:"Copy World Seed"=false
# Restores feature to tilt the camera when damaged
B:"Damage Tilt"=true
# Sets the default difficulty for newly generated worlds
# Valid values:
S:"Default Difficulty"=NORMAL
# Disables the narrator functionality entirely
B:"Disable Narrator"=true
# Re-implements parallax rendering of the end portal from 1.10 and older
B:"End Portal Parallax"=true
# Lets background music play continuously without delays
B:"Infinite Music"=false
# Sets the amount of XP needed for each level, effectively removing the increasing level scaling
# 0 for vanilla default
I:"Linear XP Amount"=0
# Disables the flashing of skybox and ground brightness on lightningflash strikes
B:"No Lightning Flash"=false
# Disables the flashing effect when the night vision potion effect is about to run out
B:"No Night Vision Flash"=false
# Disables the inventory shift when potion effects are active
B:"No Potion Shift"=true
# Disables the experience reward when smelting items in furnaces
B:"No Smelting XP"=false
# Prevents placing offhand blocks when blocks or food are held in the mainhand
B:"Offhand Improvement"=true
# Removes the redundant Minecraft Realms button from the main menu
#从主菜单中移除Minecraft Realms按钮
B:"Remove Realms Button"=true
# Removes the recipe book button from GUIs
B:"Remove Recipe Book"=false
# Forcefully turns off the snooper and hides the snooper settings button from the options menu
B:"Remove Snooper"=true
# Skips the credits screen after the player goes through the end podium portal
B:"Skip Credits"=false
# Adds a button to the pause menu to toggle cheats
B:"Toggle Cheats Button"=true
"incurable potions" {
# Determines if potion effects are curable with curative items like buckets of milk
B:"[1] Incurable Potions Toggle"=true
# Syntax: modid:potioneffect
S:"[2] Potion Effect List" <
# Blacklist Mode: Potion effects incurable by curative items, others are curable
# Whitelist Mode: Potion effects curable by curative items, others are incurable
# Valid values:
S:"[3] List Mode"=BLACKLIST
"load sounds" {
# Play load sound on...
# Valid values:
S:"[1] Mode"=NOTHING
# Sounds to play when Minecraft is loaded
# Syntax: eventname;pitch
S:"[2] Minecraft Loaded Sounds" <
# Sounds to play when the world is loaded
# Syntax: eventname;pitch
S:"[3] World Loaded Sounds" <
"pickup notification" {
# Displays notifications when the player obtains or loses items
B:"[01] Pickup Notification Toggle"=false
# Displays item additions when a player obtains an item
B:"[02] Display Item Additions"=true
# Displays item removals when a player loses an item
B:"[03] Display Item Removals"=true
# Displays changes in player experience
B:"[04] Display Experience"=true
# Displays the icon of the respective item
B:"[05] Display Icon"=true
# Displays the name of the respective item
B:"[06] Display Name"=true
# Displays a dark rectangle behind changed items
B:"[07] Display Background"=false
# Sets the horizontal offset of the notification
I:"[08] Display Offset Horizontal"=0
# Sets the vertical offset of the notification
I:"[09] Display Offset Vertical"=18
# Sets the edge/corner of the screen to use as the base location
# Valid values:
S:"[10] Snap Position"=BOTTOM_RIGHT
# Sets the scaling of item names
D:"[11] Name Scale"=0.8
# Sets the scaling of item icons
D:"[12] Icon Scale"=0.8
# Sets the maximum number of items in the queue before they start fading out artificially
I:"[13] Soft Limit"=6
# Sets the number of items that will be faded out after the soft limit is reached
I:"[14] Fade Limit"=3
# Sets the duration in ticks how long the notification will be displayed
I:"[15] Display Duration"=120
# Sets the duration in ticks how long the notification fades out
I:"[16] Fade Duration"=20
# List of item registry names to ignore when displaying changes
# Syntax: modid:item
S:"[17] Blacklist: Ignore Item Changes" <
# List of item registry names for which to ignore subitem changes
# Syntax: modid:item
S:"[18] Blacklist: Ignore Subitem Changes" <
"smooth scrolling" {
# Adds smooth scrolling to in-game lists
B:"[1] Smooth Scrolling Toggle"=true
D:"[2] Bounce Back Multiplier"=0.24
I:"[3] Scroll Duration"=600
D:"[4] Scroll Step"=19.0
"swing through grass" {
# Allows hitting entities through grass instead of breaking it
B:"[1] Swing Through Grass Toggle"=true
# Excludes blocks from the swing through grass tweak
# Syntax: modid:block
S:"[2] Blacklist" <
# Includes blocks in the swing through grass tweak
# Syntax: modid:block
S:"[3] Whitelist" <
"toast control" {
# Enables the control of toasts (pop-up text boxes)
#启用 Toast(弹出文本框)的控制
B:"[1] Toast Control Toggle"=true
# Determines if advancement toasts are blocked. Enabling will block ALL advancements.
B:"[2] Disable Advancement Toasts"=false
# Determines if recipe unlock toasts are blocked. Blocks "you have unlocked a new recipe" toasts.
B:"[3] Disable Recipe Toasts"=true
# Determines if system toasts are blocked. This is used only for the narrator toggle notification right now.
#确定是否阻止系统 Toast。这目前仅用于讲述人切换通知。
B:"[4] Disable System Toasts"=true
# Determines if tutorial toasts are blocked. Blocks useless things like use WASD to move.
#确定教程 Toast 是否被阻止。阻止无用的东西,例如使用 WASD 移动。
B:"[5] Disable Tutorial Toasts"=true
"tweaks: performance" {
# Determines the interval in ticks between world auto saves
I:"Auto Save Interval"=900
# Improves model load times by checking if an animated model exists before trying to load it
B:"Check Animated Models"=true
# Adds an IRecipe cache to improve recipe performance in larger modpacks
#添加 IRecipe 缓存以提高较大模组包中的配方性能
B:"Crafting Cache"=true
# Improves loading times by removing debug code for missing sounds and subtitles
B:"Disable Audio Debug"=true
# Improves rendering performance by removing the resource location text on missing models
B:"Disable Fancy Missing Model"=true
# Replaces color lookup for sheep to check a predefined table rather than querying the recipe registry
B:"Fast Dye Blending"=true
# Optimizes Forge's ID prefix checking and removes prefix warnings impacting load time
#优化 Forge 的 ID 前缀检查并删除影响加载时间的前缀警告
B:"Fast Prefix Checking"=true
# Skips initial world chunk loading & garbage collection to speed up world loading
B:"Fast World Loading"=true
# Fixes slow background startup edge case caused by checking tooltips during the loading process
B:"Faster Background Startup"=true
# Disables lighting of active redstone, repeaters, and comparators to improve performance
B:"No Redstone Lighting"=false
# Removes the hardcoded 30 FPS limit in screens like the main menu
#删除主菜单等屏幕中的硬编码 30 FPS 限制
B:"Uncap FPS"=true
"tweaks: world" {
# Replaces stronghold generation with a safer variant
B:"Stronghold Replacement"=true
# Tidies newly generated chunks by removing scattered item entities
B:"Tidy Chunk"=false
"chunk gen limit" {
# Limits maximum chunk generation per tick for improved server performance
B:"[1] Chunk Gen Limit Toggle"=false
# Maximum chunks to generate per tick per dimension
I:"[2] Ticks"=2
# Maximum time in ms to spend generating chunks per tick per dimension
I:"[3] Time"=5
"dimension unload" {
# Unloads dimensions not in use to free up resources
B:"[1] Dimension Unload Toggle"=true
# Time (in ticks) to wait before checking dimensions
I:"[2] Interval"=600
# List of dimensions which should not be unloaded
# Can be dimension name or ID
#可以是维度名称或 ID
# Uses regular expressions
S:"[3] Blacklist" <