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Anti DuoWan

Anti DuoWan

31415 于 2017-2-12 22:05 ( 7年前 ) [复制链接] [显示全部楼层] [打印]
3189 2
Respect Microsoft senior officials
We all anti-boxers, stand up, face the enemy of socialism, Microsoft's enemies and MC's enemies - to Duowan.
As we all know, Duowan is born in early 2015, a Minecraft's “help app”(自创词). But Duowan has steal the "Block launcher" and "Minecraft Modifier" source code, and provide free download Minecraft app. Duowan has been a serious violation of the international copyright laws.
China appears like this app, the involuntary, without right to steal Baidu tieba and MCBBS's good maps and JS.Diowan did not obtain the consent of the parties without authorization
And also, Duowan without the consent of the international youtuber. Unauthorized to translation and upload to YouTube and Duowan, has been a serious cause of these youtuber in Taiwan and outwall people's normal viewing on YouTube, caused by the serious impact of Duowan. If you steal the video on YouTube, but you do not have the consent to carry the live video by the PRC.
which should you a very serious legal responsibility.
Well, these if you --- Duowan, do not recognize.Then, steal JS technology, and no changes to steal the Block launcher in the so file. What do you want to say anything!
Js is actually a very secretive accessibility ,but you claim in the box original. Damn Duowan. You, Duowan, your death to!
You, to clearly point out your various errors, these errors, in accordance with our laws, you can let your boss shot 3 and 15 years period. You can not kneel down in front of the Microsoft building to see if Microsoft can help you
The evening of September 30, 2016


参与人数 1Vis +2 收起 理由
Zi_Min + 2 干得漂亮


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http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5% ... E5%AD%90?search=new
发表于 2017-2-13 20:07:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-2-14 18:01:51 | 显示全部楼层

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